The events of recent days in Ukraine are shocking.

The drama is unfolding just across our border, affecting each and every one of us.

However, the horrifying images are outweighed by the sight of mobilized people with their selfless desire to help those who have to find themselves in the new reality.
Bioton’s management responded to the crisis by forming a Business Continuity Team, which meets daily to ensure the company is effectively protected and that employees and patients are supported.

Bioton’s employees have courageously committed themselves to helping. We are extremely proud of them – their attitude deserves great recognition. Many of us have become volunteers, welcomed families in need in our own homes, or donated items needed by Ukrainian women and men. In order to support this wonderful heartfelt gesture, the Management Board has decided to support the employees involved in helping people affected by the war by giving them an extra day off for volunteering. We would like to thank all employees for their quick response and support of our activities.

As a company responsible for manufacturing life-saving medicines, we put the needs of our patients first. We are constantly working on how we can support patients in both Poland and Ukraine. Due to the ongoing crisis, the Management Board of Bioton has decided to donate to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: 15 000 insulin cartridges, 7 500 insulin vials and 500 injector pens through the Government Agency of Strategic Reserves.

The events of the past few days are uniting us as a nation. A nation that is showing important gestures of solidarity with our neighbours affected by a devastating war.
Let us care for each other, continue to show kindness to those most in need and value our freedom.