The Warsaw Stock Exchange launched its Pilot Analytical Coverage Support Programme and BIOTON S.A. – experts in the field of diabetes – was among the qualifying companies.

40 companies from the mWIG40 and sWIG80 indices (in accordance with the eligibility criteria adopted in the regulations) and 12 Exchange Members will participate in the programme, the primary goal of which is to increase the number of published analyses for small and medium enterprises and make them more available to Polish and foreign investors. WSE specialists predict that this initiative will ultimately be reflected in an increased interest in the shares of companies covered by the programme.

– The Pilot Analytical Coverage Support Programme is a response to a shortage of analytical coverage observed in the capital markets of Europe after the introduction of the MIFID 2 Directive. As a result of the separation of fees for sending orders and preparing analyses, the number of small and medium-sized companies covered by professional analysis in particular has decreased. Our goal is to mitigate this trend with the support of professional analytical teams operating within brokerage houses. 44 companies and 12 brokerage houses applied for the programme. As predicted, out of 40 companies that qualified for the programme, ten companies have not had analytical coverage at all, and another 12 have so far cooperated with only one analyst. Eight companies belong to the mWIG40 index and 32 to the sWIG80 index. After the process of qualification, exchange members will begin the work planned so that the first reports will appear on the market within the next two months – says Izabela Olszewska, Member of the WSE Management Board.

Along with BIOTON S.A. other companies included in the programme are: AGORA, COMARCH, MABION, NEUCA and SELVITA.

Analysis regarding Bioton will be prepared by a team of analysts from Noble Securities.