Extraordinary General Meeting 03.04.2013 Number of shares and votes BIOTON S.A. 08.03.2013 Announcement EGM BIOTON S.A. 03.04.2013 Form of a proxy EGM BIOTON S.A. 03.04.2013 Information on adjourning the session EGM BIOTON S.A. 03.04.2013 Resolution EGM 03.04.2013 List of the shareholders 5 % EGM BIOTON S.A. 03.04.2013 Information on adjourning the session EGM BIOTON S.A. 08.04.2013 Resolution EGM BIOTON S.A. 08.04.2013 List of the shareholders 5 % EGM BIOTON S.A. 08.04.2013 Recommendation of the Managing Board of BIOTON S.A. non-adoption of resolution 12.04.2013 Resolution EGM BIOTON S.A. 17.04.2013 List of the shareholders 5 % EGM BIOTON S.A. 17.04.2013 Go back